ADCからのお知らせ/Information from ADC No.740(2018/7/30)
Re: (Implementation on July 30 ) Re: Setting graphical mode to Terminal workstations
Dear user,
"Setting graphical mode to Terminal workstations (alt*, sbt*)"
has been completed. Thank you for your cooperation.
We show how to login/logout and the screen lock.
- Optional login will be mentioned in FAQ.
[How to login]
- When a display is black out, please move a mouse.
Display the date and time screen.
- Display the account input screen after the followings.
"Swipe to the upper from lower by a mouse" or,
"Press ESC key" or,
"Press Enter key"
- Enter your account -> Press Enter key or Click "Next"
Display the password input screen,
Enter your password -> Press Enter key or Click "Sign In"
[How to logout]
- Click a mark of a POWER button in the upper right of the screen,
- Display your name and click it -> Click "Logout"
[How to use the screen lock]
- Click a mark of the POWER button in the upper right of the screen,
and display a tab.
- Click a mark of a "lock" (padlock) in the lower right of the tab.
- Screen locked after clicking the "lock" mark.
- In order to display the password input screen for unlock
"Swipe to the upper from lower by a mouse" or,
"Press ESC key" or,
"Press Enter key"
Best Regards,
Astronomy Data Center
端末ワークステーション alt*, sbt* の graphicalモード(ランレベル5)への
・アカウント入力後、Enter キー押下か「Next」をクリック、
-> Enter キー押下か「Sign In 」をクリック
・名前が表示されますので、それをクリック -> ログアウトをクリック