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Announcements from ADC 2019 (Allusers ML archives)
- Installation of CARTA 1.2.1
- Installation of CASA 5.6.2
- Year ends and New Year holidays operation.
- Announcement of the next maintenance (Jan 20, 2020)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Dec 16 2019)
- Year-end cleaning in open-use rooms
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Dec 6 2019)
- 2019年度第4回講習会「IDL講習会(FITSデータ解析編)」開催のご案内
- [Completion] kaih11 (memory failure) maintenance on Dec 3
- Open-use room A in South building will be unavailable for DB school on Dec 5--6
- kaih11 (memory failure) maintenance on Dec 3
- Installation of CASA 5.6.1-8
- [Reminder2] ADC analysis system will be unavailable on Nov 30 (Sat): The interruption of Power Supply in Mitaka Campus
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Nov 27 2019)
- Installation of karma-1.7.25
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Nov 25 2019)
- [Reminder] ADC analysis system will be unavailable on Nov 30 (Sat): The interruption of Power Supply in Mitaka Campus
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Nov 14 2019)
- Network trouble in NAOJ (Nov 12-13)
- 2019年度第3回講習会「データベース講習会(初級編)」開催のご案内(リマインダ)
- ADC analysis system will be unavailable on Nov 30 (Sat): The interruption of Power Supply in Mitaka Campus
- Subaru open-use room will be unavailable for HSC school on Nov 7--8
- ADC open-use help desk (Telephone support) are unavailable on Oct 28 (today)
- [Reminder 3] ADC News on October 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- 2019年度第3回講習会「データベース講習会(初級編)」開催のご案内
- [Reminder 2] ADC News on October 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- Open-use rooms will be unavailable for "Mitaka Open House Day" (except for South open-use room B)
- [Reminder] ADC News on October 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- ADC News on October 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- The decision of the deletion target partitions in the next maintenance ( Oct 21 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Oct 4 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Oct 3 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Oct 1 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Sep 30 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Sep 27 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Sep 24 2019)
- Announcement of the next maintenance (Oct 21, 2019)
- Power outage in Mitaka/NAOJ (Sep 11, 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Sep 2 2019)
- Guideline of use computer resource in MDAS
- The periodic data deletion policy of MDAS
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Aug 28 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Aug 19 2019)
- Report: Trouble of terminal WS in ALMA building on Aug 15
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Aug 6 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (July 29 2019)
- Report: Terminal WS in ALMA building (alt*) trouble
- Relocate heavy processes (July 22, 2019)
- [Reminder 3] ADC News on July 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- [Reminder 2] ADC News on July 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- [Reminder 1] ADC News on July 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- Restoration of ADC webpage and Consult E-mail
- ADC News on July 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (July 2 2019)
- 2019年度第2回講習会「Python + Jupyter notebookによる光赤外天文データ解析入門」のご案内
- Start the periodic data deletion from October 2019.
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (June 19, 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (June 17, 2019)
- Announcement of the next maintenance (July 16, 2019)
- 2019年度第1回講習会「IDL講習会(初級編)」開催のご案内(リマインダー)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (June 10, 2019)
- /lfs15 and /lfs16 will be rebooted on 4:00pm June 3 (Today)
- /lfs01 and /lfs02 were rebooted on 6:25am June 3
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (May 31, 2019)
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (May 27, 2019)
- Troubles have occurred in MDAS: /lfs03 and /lfs04
- 2019年度第1回講習会「IDL講習会(初級編)」開催のご案内
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (May 20, 2019)
- ALMA data analysis school (May 14-15) : Priority use South open-use room and computer resource
- [Finished] Re: /lfs01 and /lfs02 will be rebooted on 2:00pm Apr 25 (Today)
- /lfs01 and /lfs02 will be rebooted on 2:00pm Apr 25 (Today)
- Completion of the update of your ADC analysis system's account
- Japanese holiday week (Golden Week) operation 2019
- [Completion] Re: Troubles have occurred in MDAS: kaih03 will be rebooted.
- Troubles have occurred in MDAS: kaih03 will be rebooted.
- [Final Reminder] JFY2019 MDAS Account Update
- Open-use room A in South building will be unavailable for a construction on April 19
- [Reminder] JFY2019 MDAS Account Update
- [Reminder 2] ADC News on April 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- [Reminder] ADC News on April 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- [Reminder] Open JFY 2019 Account Update page for the MDAS
- ADC News on April 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- 自然科学研究機構における情報セキュリティポリシー遵守のお願い
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Mar 22, 2019)
- Installation of CASA 5.4.0-70, 5.4.1-32
- Network trouble in NAOJ (March 19)
- Announcement of next maintenance on April 15, 2019
- Software update (ds9-8.0.1)
- Relocate heavy processes (Mar 14, 2019)
- /lfs03 and /lfs04 will be rebooted
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Mar 12, 2019)
- Open-use room A in South building will be unavailable for a construction on March 27-29
- [Completion] Re: ADC analysis system will be suspended: 8:30am -- 1:00pm on March 4
- [Reminder 3] Re: ADC analysis system will be suspended: 8:30am -- 1:00pm on March 4
- [Reminder 2] Re: ADC analysis system will be suspended: 8:30am -- 1:00pm on March 4
- Open JFY 2019 Account Update page for the MDAS
- [Completion] Re: (kaih05,10 reboot) Re: /lfs11 and /lfs12 will be rebooted on 4:00pm Feb 28 (Today)
- (kaih05,10 reboot) Re: /lfs11 and /lfs12 will be rebooted on 4:00pm Feb 28 (Today)
- /lfs11 and /lfs12 will be rebooted on 4:00pm Feb 28 (Today)
- NAOJ network maintenance: 10:30-11:30 Feb 27 (Today)
- [Reminder] Re: ADC analysis system will be suspended: 8:30am -- 1:00pm on March 4
- Software installation (jupyter notebook)
- Subaru open-use room will be unavailable for GUAS Spring School on March 4,6
- Open-use room A in South building will be unavailable for GUAS Spring School on March 4,6
- Re: /lfs11 and /lfs12 will be rebooted on Feb 20 (Tomorrow)
- /lfs11 and /lfs12 will be rebooted on Feb 20 (Tomorrow)
- Precautions for use of CASA on ADC analysis system
- Re: Report of system trouble : NFS volumes, analysis servers (servers will be rebooted 1:00pm today)
- Report of system trouble : NFS volumes, analysis servers (servers will be rebooted 1:00pm today)
- Open-use room B in South building will be unavailable on Feb 25 AM
- ADC analysis system will be suspended: 8:30am -- 1:00pm on March 4
- Network unstable: February 12
- Open-use room A in South building will be unavailable for DB school on Feb 14--15
- [Completion] Re: kaim04 and kaih05 maintenance (reboot) on Jan 29 (Today)
- kaim04 and kaih05 maintenance (reboot) on Jan 29 (Today)
- Please relocate heavy processes (Jan 29, 2019)
- Report of system trouble : NFS volumes, analysis servers
- Open-use room A, B in South building will be unavailable for N-body school on Feb 4--6
- [Completion] Re: kaim19 repair : 2:30pm on Jan 23 (today)
- kaim19 repair : 2:30pm on Jan 23 (today)
- [Completion] ADC News on January 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- [Reminder2] ADC News on January 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- [Reminder] ADC News on January 2019 (Announcement of Maintenance)
- [Restoration] Re: IDL cannot be started currently
- IDL cannot be started currently.
- [Report] Re: kaim01 and kaim07 will be rebooted on Jan 11 (tomorrow)
- kaim01 and kaim07 will be rebooted on Jan 11 (tomorrow)
- [Completion] Re: Installation of CASA 5.4.1
- Installation of CASA 5.4.1
- Data move to low usage rate's partitions (Jan 8, 2019)
- Distribute heavy processes (Jan 17, 2019)
- Subaru open-use room will be unavailable for "ALMA-Sol-CDAW2019" Jan 14-17
- [Fixed] unavailable software: idl
- [Fixed] unavailable volumes: /lfs09, /lfs10
- unavailable software: idl
- unavailable volumes: /lfs09, /lfs10