> Application for General Use
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Astronomy Data Center (ADC)
Large-scale data analysis system (LSC)
General Use Application
We currently offer PI/CoIs of the approved Subaru/HSC programs an opportunity
to get one-year priority access to the LSC.
In addition to that, this page accepts general use applications for data analysis in astronomy and related fields.
Precautions (must be read)
- To use this system, you need an account of the Multi-Wavelength Data Analysis System (MDAS).
If you do not have your account, please get an account first.
- There is no expiration date, but if your MDAS account expires, the LSC will be also unavailable.
- If the system detects the use of the LSC for purposes other than the system specified, the process may be deleted and the use of the LSC may be suspended for that user.
- Regulations for use of the Data Analysis System is applied to this system.