
(2001 年)

全論文数 46

Magnetic Reconnection Induced by Convective Intensification of Solar Photospheric Magnetic Fields Akitsugu Takeuchi & Kazunari Shibata 2001 ApJL 546 L73
Numerical Models of the Multiphase Interstellar Matter with Stellar Energy Feedback on a Galactic Scale Keiichi Wada & Colin A. Norman 2001 ApJ 547 172
Scaling Properties of the Redshift Power Spectrum: Theoretical Models Y. P. Jing and G. Borner 2001 ApJ 547 545
On the Initial Mass Function of Population III Stars Fumitaka Nakamura & Masayuki Umemura 2001 ApJ 548 19
The Role of Clustering of Subclumps in Bright Elliptical Galaxy Formation from a Low-Spin Seed Galaxy Daisuke Kawata 2001 ApJ 548 703
Dynamical Bar Instability in Rotating Stars: Effect of General Relativity Motoyuki Saijo et al. 2001 ApJ 548 919
Gamma-Ray Emissions from Pulsars: Spectra of the TeV Fluxes from Outer Gap Accelerators K. Hirotani 2001 ApJ 549 495
Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of a Solar Flare with Chromospheric Evaporation Effect Based on the Magnetic Reconnection Model Takaaki Yokoyama & Kazunari Shibata 2001 ApJ 549 1160
A New Test for the Stable Clustering Hypothesis Y. P. Jing 2001 ApJ 550 L125
Two-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Numerical Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection Triggered by a Supernova Shock in the Interstellar Medium: Generation of X-Ray Gas in the Galaxy Syuniti Tanuma, Takaaki Yokoyama, Takahiro Kudoh, & Kazunari Shibata 2001 ApJ 551 312
A Quadruple Magnetic Source Model for Arcade Flares and X-Ray Arcade Formations outside Active Regions. II. Dark Filament Eruption and the Associated Arcade Flare S. Hirose et al. 2001 ApJ 551 586
An Estimation of Upper Limit Masses of v Andromedae Planets Takashi Ito & Shoken M. Miyama 2001 ApJ 552 372
Molecular Evolution in Collapsing Prestellar Cores Yuri Aikawa et al. 2001 ApJ 552 639
What Determines the Height of Spicules? I. Alfven-Wave Model and Slow-Wave Model Teruya Saito et al. 2001 ApJ 554 1151
Surface Photometric Calibration of the Infrared Tully-Fisher Relation Using Cepheid-based Distances of Galaxies Masaru Watanabe et al. 2001 ApJ 555 215
Genus Statistics for Galaxy Clusters and Nonlinear Biasing of Dark Matter Halos Chiaki Hikage et al. 2001 ApJ 556 641
The Mean Pairwise Peculiar Velocity in Cosmological N-Body Simulations: Time Variation, Scale Dependence, and the Stable Condition Toshiyuki Fukushige & Yasushi Suto 2001 ApJL 557 L11
Structure of Dark Matter Halos from Hierarchical Clustering Toshiyuki Fukushige & Junichiro Makino 2001 ApJ 557 533
Electrodynamic Structure of an Outer Gap Accelerator: Location of the Gap and the Gamma-Ray Emission from the Crab Pulsar Kouichi Hirotani & Shinpei Shibata 2001 ApJ 558 216
N-Body Code with Adaptive Mesh Refinement Hideki Yahagi & Yuzuru Yoshii 2001 ApJ 558 463
Nonlinear Stochastic Biasing of Galaxies and Dark Halos in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations Kohji Yoshikawa et al. 2001 ApJ 558 520
Effects of Type II and Type Ia Supernovae Feedback on the Chemodynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies Daisuke Kawata 2001 ApJ 558 598
Survey Observations of c-C2H4O and CH3CHO toward Massive Star-forming Regions M. Ikeda et al. 2001 ApJ 560 792
Saturation and Thermalization of the Magnetorotational Instability: Recurrent Channel Flows and Reconnections Takayoshi Sano & Shu-ichiro Inutsuka 2001 ApJL 561 L179
Probability Distribution Function of Cosmological Density Fluctuations from a Gaussian Initial Condition: Comparison of One-Point and Two-Point Lognormal Model Predictions with N-Body Simulations Issha Kayo et al. 2001 ApJ 561 22
The Ortho/Para Ratio of H2 Newly Formed on Dust Grains Junko Takahashi 2001 ApJ 561 254
H2 Emission Spectra with New Formation Pumping Models Junko Takahashi & Hideya Uehara 2001 ApJ 561 843
NIR Spectroscopy of W51 IRS 2 Okumura et al. 2001 AJ 121 2089
Bright Galaxies in the SDSS Photometric System Shimasaku et al. 2001 AJ 122 1238
Spectroscopic distance estimates for fourteen faint red LHS and NLTT stars H. Jahreib, R. Scholz, H. Meusinger and I. Lehmann 2001 A&Ap 370 967
Two-dimensional distributions and column densities of gaseous molecules in protoplanetary disk II. Deuterated species and UV shielding by ambient clouds Y. Aikawa and E. Herbst 2001 A&Ap 371 1107
Extension of the ICRF for selected areas down to the 15th magnitude J. I. B. Camargo,R. Teixeira1, P. Benevides-Soares1 and C. Ducourant 2001 A&Ap 375 308
Convection-Dominated, Magnetized Accretion Flows into Black Holes Mami Machida and Ryoji Matsumoto 2001 PASJ 53 L1-4
First Subaru Observations of Sub-km Main-Belt Asteroids Fumi Yoshida et al. 2001 PASJ 53 L13-16
Stability of Terrestrial Protoplanet Systems and Alignment of Orbital Elements Takashi Ito and Kiyotaka Tanikawa 2001 PASJ 53 143-151
Nonlinear Stochastic Binasing of Peaks and Halos: Scale-Dependence, Time-Evolution, and Redshift-Space Distortion from Cosmological N-body SImulatios Atsushi Taruya et al. 2001 PASJ 53 155-167
A Large-Scale CO Mapping of the Central Region of W51 Shin-ichiro Okumura et al. 2001 PASJ 53 793-798
Multi-Phase Gas Dynamics in a Week Barred Potential Keiichi Wada and Jin Koda 2001 PASJ 53 1163-1170
The effects of radiative transfer on the reionization of an inhomogeneous universe Taishi Nakamoto, Masayuki Umemura and Hajime Susa 2001 MNRAS 321 593
One-dimensional electric field structure of an outer gap accelerator - III. Location of the gap and the gamma-ray spectrum Kouichi Hirotani & Shinpei Shibata 2001 MNRAS 325 1228
The photoionization effect of the ultraviolet background on the colour-magnitude relation of elliptical galaxies Masahiro Nagashima & Naoteru Gouda 2001 MNRAS 325 L13
Magnetized centrifugal winds Isao Okamoto 2001 MNRAS 327 55
Penetration of columnar convection into an outer stably stratified layer in rapidly rotating spherical fluid shells S.-i. Takehiro, & J. R. Lister 2001 Earth and Planetary Science Letters 187 357
Plasmoid-Induced-Reconnection and Fractal Reconnection Kazunari Shibata & Shuniti Tanuma 2001 Earth, Planets & Space 53 473
Solar Photospheric Magnetic Reconnection Akitsugu Takeuchi & Kazunari Shibata 2001 Earth, Planets & Space 53 605
Searches for New Interstellar Molecules, Including a Tentative Detection of Aziridine and a Possible Detection of Propenal J. E. Dickens et al. 2001 Spectrochimica Acta. A57 643